Saturday, March 26, 2011


I have realized maybe I am not a blogger but I want to be. Or do I just want something to do. I was watching Julia and Julia today(one of my favorite movies) and realized why can't I do something like that? Why can't I have something that pushes me to do things I love. But what do I love??....Daniel, Family, the Lord, Decorating, Making people smile, Friends, Shopping for things, Eating, Traveling, and Starting new things. (oh my goodness that was hard) So is cooking what I should do? I just want to do something that something in my life to look forward to everyday. Daniel has school, what do I have? I have work. ( that sentence makes me sad) I want something?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So yesterday was a good day but a long day at work and I was so tired. I worked out the day before maybe a little too hard so I skipped working out yesterday. Today I will work out when I get home from lunch. Dan and I went to the grocery store and bought good healthy for me. I even got sweets because if you know me I have a really big sweet tooth. Thank you skinny cow! This morning i had a small bowl of bunches of oats multi-grain and for lunch yogurt, kiwi, and small veg. sandwich. It's Friday for me today because I have tomorrow off! YAY....I need it!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No time to blog this morning running late....I had a smothies for break fast and vegs. for lunch 200 cals.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Diet of all Diets!!

Ok so I am always on and off a diet. I never follow through I always give up and say i am fine and the next week I am trying something new. I know i am not huge or anything I am just not happy with the size i am and I don't feel health. I have gained weight since college and it is time to work it off for good. So today is day 1! Now this new blog might be boring but I thought it might help me if I wrote things down and out it out there. So bare with me on this blog because I really need to do this for me.
I working out is really hard for me I like doing it but it is just getting there that is hard. If I want to work out in the morning this means I have to get up around 5:30 or 5:45 and that is so early. This is because I go to work at 8 and that means I have to leave the house at 7:30. So I try but most days I can't get up. Oh but wait in the afternoon I should work out but the time I get home from working a 8 hour shift on my feet all day working out is the last thing on my mind. So I need help in this area. I need to keep motivated and I should work out in the afternoon after work at 5 because I can do it more thoroughly.
Day 1
-No work out in the morning I set my alarm for 5:30 and daylight saving time is messing me up so tonight I will do the laundry and work out at the same time. (Our gym is next to the laundry room)
-Breakfast: Smoothie With Strawberries, yogurt,and oj ( has to hold me till 1) 150 cals?
-Lunch:Garden Vegetable Medley 160 cals
-Dinner: TBA
I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow for good healthy food
What should I get? Any Ideas?